Most Addictive Drugs

most addictive drugs

Addiction is a complicated mental and behavioral health disease that can affect anyone, regardless of their belief system, income level, age or gender. Various factors can increase your likelihood of experiencing drug abuse problems, including genetics, environment, health history and substance of use. Still, some drugs have a higher potential for addiction than others. 1. […]

What Causes Paranoia?

what causes paranoia

Paranoia is an irrational belief that you are in danger or that people want to harm you, even if there is no evidence to suggest that. Paranoia amplifies your fears, making you believe the world is an unsafe place. It can cause trust issues and profound suspicion about those around you, even your closest loved […]

What Happens When You Stop Drinking?

what happens when you stop drinking

Declaring your independence from alcohol is a significant life milestone that brings many benefits. You may be aware of some of the things you can expect to experience when you stop drinking, but other advantages are less immediately obvious. Here’s what you need to know. 1. Strengthen Your Immune System Many long-term, heavy drinkers suffer […]

The Relationship Between Hypomania and Cyclothymia

hypomania and cyclothymia

Cyclothymia is a form of bipolar disorder with milder symptoms. The low and high mood swings never reach the severity or duration of major depressive or manic episodes. Because of this, cyclothymia can be challenging to diagnose, and it can persist undetected and unaddressed for years. What Is Hypomania? Hypomania refers to the elevated mood […]

Cannabis-Induced Psychosis

cannabis-induced psychosis

Since medical marijuana has been legal in California since 1996, many people living here believe it is a safe and even beneficial substance. However, any mind-altering drug can have adverse effects, especially if you start relying on cannabis to escape unwanted emotions. The higher-potency strains sold in dispensaries can be especially dangerous for frequent marijuana […]

Rainbow Fentanyl

rainbow fentanyl

Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opioid that has caused an alarming increase in the nationwide overdose rate. Because it is easier to come by than chemically similar substances like heroin and morphine, it’s leading the current wave of the opioid epidemic. Black-market fentanyl is also highly addictive, and a dose as small as two milligrams […]

Effects of Alcohol on the Body

alcohol effects on the body

Most people are aware that drinking can cause long-term health problems, including organ and tissue damage, mental health disorders and malnutrition. However, you may not have realized that alcohol use can increase your chances of receiving a diagnosis of a severe illness in the future. Types of Cancer Associated With Alcohol Abuse Frequent heavy drinking […]

What Are the Most Common Delusions?

most common delusions

Delusions are firm beliefs in impractical or impossible things. There is little to no connection between delusional ideas and reality, and almost everyone else can see these beliefs are false. In some cases, people with delusions might become so caught up in their fantasies that the preoccupation disrupts their lives. Mental health professionals classify delusions […]

What Is High-Functioning Depression?

high-functioning depression

Depression can take many forms, and it’s not always debilitating. Some people develop a less severe degree of depression that allows them to continue behaving mostly normally at home, work or when spending time with friends. Outwardly, a person with high-functioning depression may seem as if they are keeping everything on an even keel, despite […]