Starting New Sober Holiday Traditions

holiday sobriety

Though the holidays should be festive, all the gatherings and expectations can challenge your commitment to recovery. The abundance of potential stressors and triggers makes it critical to establish new traditions that align with a sober lifestyle.

1. Craft a Signature Non-Alcoholic Holiday Drink

Embrace the role of holiday host with a twist – focus on non-alcoholic beverages. Experiment with recipes like spiced cider, cocoa with marshmallows or fruit punch. These beverages are just as delightful without alcohol and can add a warm touch to your gatherings. Creating a signature holiday drink can give you something exciting to look forward to every year.

2. Host a Potluck Dinner

Potlucks are a wonderful way to foster your bonds with family and friends. Ask every guest to bring a different dish, making the meal a collective effort. This tradition shifts the focus to tasting a diverse array of foods, and it’s also a perfect occasion to serve your special non-alcoholic drink.

3. Organize a Movie Marathon

Movie marathons are a great way to spend sober time with loved ones. Whether you’re a fan of classic holiday films, rom-coms, action-adventure or horror, the choice is yours. Pop some popcorn and settle in for a night of entertainment.

4. Play Sports

Who says you should stop being active in the winter? Organize a touch football game, a round of ultimate Frisbee or a group hike. If people express enough enthusiasm for the idea, consider setting up regular games or a tournament. It’s a fun, healthy way to enjoy outdoor fitness and can become a much-anticipated event.

5. Schedule a Game Night

Game nights are all about fun and friendly competition. They are incredibly versatile – play cards, escape crates or a classic childhood favorite like Connect Four. For an added twist, pick a new game every time, learning and enjoying it with your loved ones. It’s a great way to bond and laugh together.

6. Learn to Bake

The holidays are practically synonymous with baked goods like cookies, pies and cakes. Baking can be a therapeutic and rewarding activity, whether you do it alone or with someone. You can stick to classic recipes or challenge yourself with more intricate ones. Plus, you end up with delicious treats to give as memorable holiday gifts.

Embrace Sobriety During the Holidays

At New Found Life, we understand the importance of supporting the Long Beach community, especially during the holiday season. We have designed a comprehensive, evidence-based continuum of care to equip you with practical skills and knowledge you need to get sober and prevent a relapse.

By starting these new sober traditions, you’ll strengthen your resolve for recovery while paving the way for memorable, joyous holidays that focus on connection, fun and personal growth. Remember, you don’t have to miss out on the festivities to stay substance-free; you merely need to redefine them in ways that nurture and support you. Contact us today to start healing.