Family Education Series Jan 26-28, 2024

Upcoming Family Education Event: Navigating Addiction’s Impact on Families

At New Found Life, we deeply understand the profound impact addiction has not just on individuals, but also on their families. To provide families with the knowledge, strategies, and support needed in this challenging journey, we are excited to announce our next Family Education event during our Family Weekend, scheduled from January 26-28.

This event promises to be exceptionally insightful, featuring two distinguished speakers renowned for their expertise in the field of addiction and recovery. They will provide valuable guidance and practical advice on coping with the challenges posed by addiction in the context of family dynamics.

Our Esteemed Speakers:

  • Dr. Louise Stanger, Ed.D, LCSW, CDWF, CSAT-1, CIP: Dr. Stanger brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in addiction and recovery. With a doctorate in education and a background in social work, she has been recognized as the Interventionist of the Year by prestigious organizations and is renowned for her strength-based solutions and invitational change methodologies. Dr. Stanger’s approach focuses on empowering families and individuals with the tools and insights necessary for lasting recovery and wellness.
  • Leo Booth, MTh, CAC, CEDC: Leo Booth is an internationally acclaimed author and expert in the realm of spirituality and recovery. His background as a Unity minister, combined with a Master’s degree in Theology and extensive experience in counseling, brings a unique and holistic perspective to the complex interplay between addiction, mental health, and spiritual well-being. His passion for supporting recovery journeys has touched thousands of lives.

Educational Workshops and Discussions:

Our Family Education event will encompass a range of topics, including understanding addiction and its development, family dynamics, relationship rebuilding, spiritual recovery, and the pivotal role of family in treatment success. Attendees will gain insights into the intricacies of addiction, strategies for setting healthy boundaries, and ways to foster a supportive and understanding environment conducive to healing.

This event is part of our ongoing commitment to provide families with continuous learning and development opportunities, equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of addiction and recovery.

We encourage families with loved ones currently at New Found Life to join us for this transformative weekend. This will be an important step towards understanding and healing the family unit in the context of addiction. Your participation can help unlock a new chapter of recovery and hope for you and your loved one.