Why Am I Exhausted All the Time?

why am I exhausted all the time

Though anyone can experience fatigue after a restless night or coming down with an illness such as the flu, chronic exhaustion is a severe health problem that can affect multiple aspects of your life.

If you always feel tired with no energy or enthusiasm, issues like these may be to blame.

1. Depression

Depression can interfere with your sleep patterns and make you want to sleep too much or too little than is healthy for you. Even after a full night’s rest, you might have trouble getting out of bed if you’re depressed. You might have depression if your fatigue frequently occurs with symptoms like hopelessness, disinterest in previously enjoyable activities and difficulties making decisions.

2. Sleep Debt

Many adults are constantly sleep-deprived because they are trying to juggle multiple responsibilities in their personal and professional lives and believe skimping on sleep is a way to make up for lost time. The National Sleep Foundation recommends healthy adults get between seven and nine hours of restful sleep per night. If you aren’t sleeping enough, you’ll accumulate sleep debt and feel lethargic and unmotivated instead of well-rested and ready to meet the challenges of your day.

An uninterrupted night of sleep allows your brain to cycle through three stages of non-rapid eye movement sleep and one stage of rapid eye movement sleep – the phase in which you dream.

3. Nutrient Deficiencies

Many people aren’t conscientious about eating a balanced diet with plenty of fresh produce and whole, unprocessed ingredients. When you don’t get the nutrition you need from your food, it could leave you drained and exhausted, even if you get enough rest at night.

Deficiencies in these crucial nutrients can cause you to feel run-down.

  • Iron
  • B vitamins, including B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 and B12
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin C
  • Magnesium

Because these deficiencies are so common, it’s crucial to have your levels tested if you’re experiencing unexplained fatigue. Usually, exhaustion related to a lack of one or more vitamins and minerals improves once you get your dietary needs back on a healthy track.

4. Caffeine Consumption

Though caffeinated beverages like coffee, soda and energy drinks can give you a temporary boost of energy, over-reliance on them may make you more tired the next day. That’s because too much caffeine can play havoc with your sleep cycle by causing you to wake up multiple times a night. If you routinely deal with insomnia or anxiety, try limiting your caffeine intake and see if it helps you feel better.

5. Substance Use

Drugs and alcohol can severely disrupt your sleep cycle, causing more drowsiness and difficulty concentrating during the day. If you struggle with insomnia and rely on things like alcohol or benzodiazepines to help you fall asleep, you will eventually develop a physical and psychological dependence, which can put you on the path to a substance use disorder.

Long Beach Addiction Recovery

At New Found Life, we believe addiction is a treatable disease – not a weakness or failing. Since 1993, we’ve guided adults to healing and living healthy, substance-free lifestyles.

Our comprehensive, evidence-based programming addresses each client’s specific needs to help you rediscover your purpose and joy. To learn more about our compassionate treatment philosophy, reach out to us today.